Pictures from some of my research and non-research explorations.

Left: Magic between adhesion and shcok wave propagation in a tape.
Right: Exploring multistable buckled structres inspired from a seminar talk by Prof. Sung Hoon Kang.

Left: Understanding interaction of local resonance and bandgap formation using Lego blocks (for AM 151b).
Right: Response of a tethered beetle to external stimuli (for BE 107).

Left: Selective Laser Sintering based 3D printing of lattice.
Right: Tuning laser and galvo mirrors for SLS printing.

Left: Tabletop photoelasticity setup using polaroid sheet (for ME12C).
Right: Buckling of Force chains in granular discs with friction and slip (for ME 201).

Left: Caltech Cricket Club.
Right: Biking in Oregon.